Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day mixed in with a graduation event!

I know it's a usual for everybody to say on Mother's Day "Oh I have the best mom!" Well I may be a little biased, but I really do have one amazing mother! She is such a God fearing woman. I am so thankful that she has raised her children, by God. I used to think "Man! Why do I have to have the strict mom!" This past year God has been revealing to me how amazing she is and that I'm so glad she raised me in a strict way, because only the Lord knows where I would be if not! Oh my! HA!
With 6 children she knows how to juggle it all! This past month, my sister and dad had big surgerires in three days! And was she there for both? You betcha! I'm telling you she's awesome!
I'm also thankful for my older sisters which have been moms to me many of times! Being older than me, there have been times where I was even mistaken for one of their children! My younger brother which has Down Syndrome also had Lukemia when he was little and my sisters took the role of my mom during that time, while sacrificing so much as college age girls!

My sisters and mom minus one sister

My Baccalaureate Service was this evening in our high school gym. Let me tell you, it always seems like that is one of those boring deals that you have to go through to get to Graduation, well it was AMAZING! This past month God has been dealing with me about leaving a legacy at school, which is for another post itself. Well I had been feeling God dealing with me about this, so a group of us got together and did Cardboard Testimonies udring the service and we also had a group of guys that led worship! I could feel the Holy Spirit so strong in that place, He was definitely leading it and I give Him all the Honor and Praise! I have never felt anything like that at a Public School! I truly believe God has an amazing plan for several in my senior class! Wow!
So now I'm on the downslide.. Just a couple more days left of High School! Thank you to everybody who has shared great memories with me!

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